Year 6 Extra Learning
Keywords: These are important to learn the definitions and spellings, research any you are unsure of.
- Call and response
- Cross rhythm
- Layering
- Improvisation
- Notation, semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver, semi quaver.
- Time Signature 4/4
- Melody, The Tune, the bit you sing.
- Dynamics, volume, forte (loud), Piano (quiet)
- Timbre/Instruments, The different sounds you create (e.g. click, stomp, clap, rub)
- Texture, How many different parts (thick, thin, monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic)
- Rhythm, A pattern of long and short notes
- Tempo, Speed, allegro (fast) and largo (very slow)
- Structure, The order of the sections- beginning, middle, end- AB, ABA, Intro, verse, chorus ETC