At Witton Middle School we are committed to ensuring that all children feel safe and thrive in an atmosphere of care, positivity and mutual respect. Bullying is unacceptable in our school and we want to ensure that children are able to recognise bullying behaviours, confident to report these and know that they will be dealt with promptly and effectively.
Anti-Bullying: Don't face it alone
For full details about how to recognise bullying behaviours and what you should do if you think you are being bullied:
What is bullying?
The definition of bullying that we use is:
Repeated, negative,
behaviour that is intended to make others feel upset,
uncomfortable, or unsafe.
Types of bullying
These can include racism, sexism, homophobic and cyber bullying
There are three main types of bullying behaviours:
Verbal Indirect Physical
What should I do if I think I am being bullied?
Always remember that if you are being bullied, it is not your fault and you are never alone.
We are a ‘telling school’. We are doing the right thing and standing up to bullying behaviours. You shouldn’t be scared to talk to someone if you are being bullied. If you talk to an adult, we can help to make it stop.
What are Anti-Bullying Ambassadors?
Anti-bullying Ambassadors are special pupil leaders who help to prevent bullying behaviours by promoting the principles of an anti-bullying school. Witton Middle School Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been specially trained by the Diana Award to help prevent bullying behaviours in school; support and encourage their peers and work to promote our anti-bullying values.
Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme (