Late/Absence Procedures
All children start school at 8.25am and should arrive at their designated year group gate no earlier than 8.15am, unless attending our Wraparound Care Breakfast sessions (pre-bookable) to arrive at the designated time for their year group.
Children arriving after 8.25am must sign in at reception and will be marked 'late'. Reasons for lateness may be followed up afterward.
We expect all children to attend regularly. The Government has strict guidelines about what is considered authorised and unauthorised absence.
Please inform the school office if your child is absent from school for any reason. Where no written note to the child’s class teacher, email or personal telephone call, is forthcoming, the absence will be treated as unauthorised.
We advise any appointments (such a medical appointments, dentist or optician) are made outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, a letter from the clinic should be provided. Children must be collected from Reception for any appointments- this precaution is for your child’s safety.
Schools have discretionary power to grant leave for the purpose of an annual holiday during term time. Only in exceptional circumstances will leave of absence during term time be granted.