School Logo

Witton Middle School


Term Dates

Witton Middle School Term Dates September 2024 - July 2026



Monday 2nd September

Teacher Training Day (School closed)
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberTeacher Training Day (School closed)
Wednesday 4th SeptemberSchool opens for YEAR 5 ONLY
Thursday 5th SeptemberSchool opens for YEAR 6 (YEAR 5 & 6 ONLY in school)
Friday 6th SeptemberSchool opens for YEAR 7 (all years in)
Thursday 24th OctoberSchool closes at the end of the day for half term
Friday 25th OctoberTeacher Training Day (School closed)
Monday 28th OctoberHalf term weeks starts
Friday 1st NovemberHalf term week ends
Monday 4th NovemberSchool opens to all pupils
Thursday 19th DecemberSchool closes at the end of the day for Christmas Break
Friday 20th DecemberTeacher Training Day (School closed)
Monday 6th JanuaryStart of Spring Term for all pupils
Friday 14th FebruarySchool closes at the end of the day for half term
Monday 17th FebruaryHalf term week starts
Friday 21st February Half term week ends
Monday 24th FebruarySchool opens to all pupils
Friday 11th AprilSchool closes at the end of the day for Easter Break
Monday 28th AprilStart of Summer Term for all pupils
Monday 5th MayBank Holiday (School closed)
Friday 23rd MaySchool closes at end of the day for half term
Monday 26th MayHalf term weeks starts
Friday 30th MayHalf term week ends
Monday 2nd JuneSchool open to all pupils
Friday 18th JulySchool closes at the end of the day for Summer Break
Monday 21st JulyTeacher Training Day (School closed)

Monday 1st September

Teacher Training Day (School closed)
Tuesday 2nd SeptemberTeacher Training Day (School closed)
Wednesday 3rd SeptemberSchool opens for YEAR 5 ONLY
Thursday 4th SeptemberSchool opens for YEAR 6 (YEAR 5 & 6 ONLY in school)
Friday 5th SeptemberSchool opens for YEAR 7 (all years in)
Thursday 23rd OctoberSchool closes at the end of the day for half term
Friday 24th OctoberTeacher Training Day (School closed)
Monday 27th OctoberHalf term weeks starts
Friday 31st OctoberHalf term week ends
Monday 3rd NovemberSchool opens to all pupils
Thursday 18th DecemberSchool closes at the end of the day for Christmas Break
Friday 19th DecemberTeacher Training Day (School closed)
Monday 5th JanuaryStart of Spring Term for all pupils
Friday 13th FebruarySchool closes at the end of the day for half term
Monday 16th FebruaryHalf term week starts
Friday 20th February Half term week ends
Monday 23rd FebruarySchool opens to all pupils
Friday 27th MarchSchool closes at the end of the day for Easter Break
Monday 13th AprilStart of Summer Term for all pupils
Monday 4th MayBank Holiday (School closed)
Friday 22nd MaySchool closes at end of the day for half term
Monday 25th MayHalf term weeks starts
Friday 29th MayHalf term week ends
Monday 1st JuneSchool open to all pupils
Friday 17th JulySchool closes at the end of the day for Summer Break
Monday 20th JulyTeacher Training Day (School closed)





